Kat's cruise boat has made its last stop, in Malta, and is now headed back to Barcelona. The pool onboard is saltwater.
Friday, July 05, 2002
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
Kat emailed me this morning (or sometime while I was sleeping *G*) and asked me to post to the blog that the cruise is fun. The internet access is expensive--50 cents a minute, so she won't be doing much online time.
Thursday, June 27, 2002
Kat is now with the rest of the 17 traveling family members in Sene...Senni...um, like the country "Senegal" with Grand Moff Tarkin's weird pronunciation of "Leia" at the end. That place. Like other parts of Italy, it is beautiful. I personally experienced a phone booth with a woman speaking very loud Italian behind Kat as well as a bunch of cute-sounding little Italian cars. They're so cute.
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Ferrara is reported to be much nicer than Venice. Less touristy, less humid, the shower has walls. That kind of essential thing. One camera has already been used up. On the homefront, Tessie the Beautiful Kitten attempts to convince me that since Mommy obviously could not have possibly fed her, I should be feeding her twice as much.
Sunday, June 23, 2002
Kat has arrived safely in Venice! Her flight, though marred slightly by the presence of her family, was pleasantly uneventful. It is very hot in Italy at the moment, and Venice, despite its fame for beautiful canals traversing the city, apparently has extremely low water pressure. By my calculations, Kat is sleeping at this very moment and will most likely wake up refreshed and bouncy.